Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Day in the Life of a Pilates Instructor

Some may wonder what a typical day is for an instructor.  We sometimes harp on you about when to eat and sleep and workout.  We try to be good role models, but face it, sometimes the hours are demanding and life can't be perfect.  Here is a glimpse into a typical day in the life of being a full time Pilates instructor:

9am Wake up, make a protein shake (drink a small amount of it)

9:20am Pilates Mat session 

10am Cardio.  Run outside or on elliptical depending on weather

10:45am Drink rest of protein shake and shower

12:00pm Snack on trail mix or an apple.  Pack up bags and head to work

1pm Meetings @ work and email/phone call time

3pm Early dinner/late lunch time.  Usually a salad or veggies and a protein.  

4pm Teach clients and consult about goals.  Pray people come on time, aren't sick, and are ready to focus on their workouts.

6pm Snack in between clients on more trail mix

9pm Done w/clients :)

9:35pm Home and snack time of a PBJ, soup, or quesadilla

10:30pm Computer time to read online articles, watch tv or relax

11:50pm Sleep!

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