Sunday, November 7, 2010

Field Trip: TRX (Suspension Training)

I had the opportunity to take a combination class at a Pilates studio that began with a half hour of TRX suspension training and finished up the rest of the hour using Gratz Towers.  Needless to say the TRX was a wonderful compliment by working the full body and lots of stability.  It was designed for the military and can be used in a variety of locations with its simple, adjustable straps.  I can honestly say that it fatigued my muscles to make the Pilates section more challenging.  My core was very sore the next day (which is hard to accomplish for someone who works out on a consistent basis).

The class began with simples squats, lunges, lying hamstring curls with bridging, chest presses, planks, and push ups.  Over time balance work was incorporated to provide an extra challenge.  Near the end some jumping worked to increase our heart rates.  We even did the whole Pilates ab series lying on the floor with our hands in the straps which left me dewy in sweat.  

This form of fitness is geared to any level, however I feel it is meant more for healthy, athletic individuals (without serious injuries).  The next week I took the same class again which made the coordination of the movements easier, yet I still achieved the same muscle fatigue.  This is a workout that will not let you plateau with its many variations.  Your body works against gravity adding mental focus to this form of functional training.  Unlike Pilates, this workout will leave you exhausted yet excited at its fast acting results.

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